Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A16, 2355 Chestnut Street, The Marina (BDYW)

"A16" is a highly-rated Italian restaurant located on Chestnut Street in the Marina.  I enjoyed a fabulous dinner there, but Rosalie and I were sorely disappointed when we chose to lunch-blog this San Francisco "top spot", highly praised for it's southern Italian cuisine, specifically "Campania".

Our staff photographer and I shared the Burrata with olive oil, sea salt & crostinis (that were, unfortunately, not even toasted) and the arugula salad with pickled and dried grapes, fried almonds and pecorino monte poro.  That salad is truly delish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  However............... the service was sooooooooooooo bad, that had we not finally received and started drinking our delightful pinot noir, we honestly would have left.

I ordered the Pizza Margherita, tomato, mozzarella, grana padano, basil and olive oil.  Rosalie ordered A16's famous Pork Meatballs, braised in tomato with basil and grana padano.

My pizza was blahhhhh and not even warm to the touch when I finally got it and Rosalie's meatballs were good, but not great.  A16 has impressive decor, an exceptional wine list, but inconsistent food and service. 

Why oh Why???????????????????????  It looks so fabdelish in the photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If only the food and service matched the wine list, we wouldn't be saying "Ciao" to A16.

Special Addition "Top Eight" (BDYW)

This is a "Special Addition" list of my favorite "Top Eight" restaurants that I have had the privilege to enjoy since I moved to the city in August of last year.  For a special occasion or just for an exquisite dinner, you might want to try one of these.
Throw caution to the wind and blow the dust off your wallet, because these restaurants are not part of the "easy on the pocketbook" blog finds.

Sons and Daughters                                                   
708 Bush Street San Francisco

Central Kitchen
3000 20th Street San Francisco

Seven Hills
1550 Hyde St San Francisco

Rich Table
199 Gough Street San Francisco 

Murray Circle
601 Murray Circle Sausalito
398 Hayes Street San Francisco

1809 Union Street San Francisco

2000 Hyde St San Francisco


Mission Bowling Club, 3176 17th Street, The Mission (EOPB)

We LOVE this "fabdelish" place! This is definitely one of our top "food blog finds". 

"MBC" (Mission Bowling Club) is a great restaurant with a fab bar and 6 sleek & cool bowling lanes.  From the outside, this building looks like a warehouse, located behind a chicken wire, fenced-in patio.

What a surprise when you walk in the door!  The lighting is Hollywood and the menu covers "comfort food" to "gourmet chic" with cocktails to complement the whole experience.  Have a Perfect Manhattan, a Gin Fizz or a glass of scrumptious Prosecco from Veneto, Italy.  If you just have to have a beer to go with the sound of those bowling balls hitting those pins, enjoy a "La Chouffe" Belgian Golden Ale.  Are you getting the picture?  Hollywood meets Bowling!!!!!

Once we got over our "oohs" and "aahs", Rosalie and I settled down to enjoy a burger that you won't get at any other bowling establishment.                         This half-pound aged and granulated patty, covered with caramelized onion, Monterrey Jack and caper aioli, melts in your mouth. 
Now this is "One Bowling Burger!!!!!!

Chefs Sommer Peterson and Molly Bradshaw have created a bill of fare that sports many more delicacies other than "our" favorite burger and fries.  Just 2 examples are: "Root Beer Glazed Duck Breast" served with farro verde, turnip puree, pickled cauliflower and chicories........ & brunch items like "Fried Chicken & Waffles" with whipped maple butter and salted chili, which looked absolutely divine!!!!!
There is such genius and creativity when it comes to food in this "City by the Bay".  Our staff photographer and I have decided to eat our way through The Mission. So follow us on twitter and facebook (Rosalie and I are still trying to figure out how to do that ourselves) to see what these 2 ex-private investigators turn up in our investigation of this food-wealthy area of San Francisco.

You really have to try "MBC".  Parking is pretty easily found and there is a large parking lot just across the street  .Where else could you enjoy "fabdelish" food, delicious drinks, "Hollywood" ambiance and grab a pair of shoes to wear while you're dining??????

This "food find" is a STRIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tartine Bakery & Cafe, 600 Guerrero Street, The Mission (EOPB)

"Tartine Bakery" is one of those famous spots in San Francisco where people line up for days to enjoy the fare (made from local organic ingredients) and the "Tartine celebrity".
Soooooooooooooo, our staff photographer and I joined the throngs!  This small cafe is located on the corner of Guerrero and 18th.  We didn't see any sign identifying the cafe, but it was so crowded inside and out, that we couldn't have missed it. 
Assuming it must be worth the wait, we went to the back of the line and waited our turn. 

Once inside, I grabbed 2 seats at the community table (littered with dirty dishes, napkins and glasses) while Rosalie ordered our sandwiches.  At that point, we were just happy to have survived almost being crushed by our fellow diners.

When our open-face Croque Monsieur's were delivered to our table, they did not look delish!!!
The crust of the homemade country bread was toasted to a "teeth shattering" crispness and the rest of the bread was soggy with bechamel.  The grilled asparagus that topped the Gruyere cheese slab was really tasty, but the meat had been sliced thin, then grilled, and resembled small strips of shoe leather. Our plates were garnished with a pickled carrot that was interesting, but added to the "been through the war" appearance of our most disappointing lunch.

I think the pictures say it all!

Now, to be fair....................the pastries, tarts and cakes looked divine!!  Eclairs, filled with vanilla custard.....Banana Cream Tarta coated in dark chocolate with caramel and sweetened cream.....("Tres Leches Cake Round") chocolate chiffon 3-tiered cake layered with cajeta and crema................Need I go on?????????? 

Really looked tres fabdelish!!!!!

In retrospect, I think Rosalie and I "missed the plot" on this one.  We should have gone to "Bar Tartine" for lunch (their very cool restaurant located just 2 blocks away on Valencia) and then gone to "Tartine Bakery & Cafe" for dessert!  A late morning or late afternoon trip to the bakery might result in shorter lines and a calmer dining experience.

Even the pups line up for just a bite!!!!!!!

"Bar Tartine" is now on our list of new places to blog, so you haven't heard the last of San Francisco's famous "Tartine's"!!
These 2 "Inspectors Clauseau's" (ex-private investigators) are still on this case!!!!!!!!!!